How to disable Siri on macOS via Workspace ONE UEM

When managing macOS devices you may have a requirement to prevent users from using certain apps. Whilst you may use a Restrictions profile to disallow certain Apps, disabling Siri might not be as straight forward.

After some research, I found 2 payloads that can be deployed as Custom Settings which will disable Siri on a managed device. Those profiles were tested on macOS Catalina.

1. On Workspace ONE UEM, navigate to Devices > Profiles & Resources > Profiles.

2. Select Add and then Add Profile.

3. Select macOS as the Platform, then select Device Profile as the Context.

4. Under the General payload, give a name to your Profile (e.g. DisableSiri-01) and assign it to the relevant groups.

5. Scroll down the payload list on the left and then select Custom Settings.

6. Select the Configure button and then paste the following code on the Custom Settings field:

    <key>Assistant Enabled</key>

7. Select Save and Publish and then Publish to push this profile to your devices.

8. Repeat steps 2-7 replacing the Profile name (e.g. DisableSiri-02) and using the following Custom Settings code:


9. Select Save and Publish and then Publish to push the second profile to your devices.

Check that the Profiles have been installed successfully and then try to launch Siri on the device. Verify that it has been disabled and that you cannot to enable it.