Installing NSX-T with a PowerCLI Script

PowerCLI can be very useful to automate tasks in a number of different use cases.

On my home lab, I sometimes need to deploy new instances of NSX-T for testing purposes. Instead of installing those manually, I have created a simple script to automate this process.

Instructions on how to install PowerCLI can be found at:

As usual, I feel compelled to say that this is not an official VMware resource, so please use it at your discretion.

# Deploy NSX-T Manager


# Deployment Variables (Modify as required)

# Path to the OVA file
$ova_file = "C:\Temp\nsx-unified-appliance-"

# Target ESXi Host information
$cluster = "Management"
$esxi_host = "esxi.raulcunha.local"
$datastore = "Datastore-1"

# Appliance Information
$root_password = "VMware1!VMware1!"
$admin_password = "VMware1!VMware1!"
$audit_password = "VMware1!VMware1!"

$VM_name = "NSX-Manager"
$hostname = "nsx-manager.raulcunha.local"
$ipaddress = ""
$netmask = ""
$gateway = ""
$dns = ""
$ntp = ""
$domain = "raulcunha.local"

# Appliance Role options: "NSX Manager", "nsx-cloud-service-manager", "NSX Global Manager"
$appliance_role = "NSX Manager"

# Appliance Size options: "extra_small", "small", "medium", "large"
$appliance_size = "medium"

$portGroup = "Management-PG"


#-- OVF Deployment --#

# Connect to vCenter Server

Connect-VIServer vcenter.raulcunha.local

# NSX Manager Configuration

$nsxmgrcfg = Get-OvfConfiguration $ova_file

$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_passwd_0.Value = $root_password
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_cli_passwd_0.Value = $admin_password
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_cli_audit_passwd_0.Value = $audit_password
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_hostname.Value = $hostname
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_ip_0.Value = $ipaddress
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_netmask_0.Value = $netmask
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_gateway_0.Value = $gateway
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_dns1_0.Value = $dns
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_ntp_0.Value = $ntp
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_domain_0.Value = $domain
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_role.Value = $appliance_role
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_isSSHEnabled.Value = $true
$nsxmgrcfg.Common.nsx_allowSSHRootLogin.Value = $true
$nsxmgrcfg.DeploymentOption.Value = $appliance_size
$nsxmgrcfg.IpAssignment.IpProtocol.Value = "IPv4"
$nsxmgrcfg.NetworkMapping.Network_1.Value = $portGroup

# Deploy Appliance

Import-Vapp -Source $ova_file -OvfConfiguration $nsxmgrcfg -Name $VM_name -VMHost $esxi_host -Location $cluster -Datastore $datastore -Confirm:$false